Eastbourne Foodbank is committed to protecting people’s right to live safely, free from abuse and neglect.
Our Safeguarding work covers every area of the work of the charity and is embedded into everything we do. Our Safeguarding team are qualified practicioners with many years experience working with East Sussex County Council projects.
Our foodbank works with other organisations to prevent, and stop, both the risks and experience of abuse and neglect.
The wellbeing of our foodbank team and every adult and child who uses our services is promoted.
Due regard is given, where appropriate, to people’s views, wishes, feelings and beliefs when making any decisions on safeguarding actions.
We work closely with all statutory services – Children’s, Adults and Mental Health teams. We liase with the police when necessary and use Thirty:One Eight Safeguarding service as a reference point.
If you have any safeguarding concerns contact Jess Holliday – CEO and Designated Safeguarding Lead Manager, or Lara Lloyd – Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL), on 01323 409925 or email [email protected]
Our safeguarding policy : Safeguarding Policy 2024